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Interview Tips for Hiring Remote Workers 

Not all job positions are in-house, and trends have revealed that remote employees are gradually increasing in number. Without a one-on-one interaction, it can be pretty challenging to determine whether an applicant will be a perfect fit for the required position. Are they excited to come on board? Do they have the right skills required? Some of these factors can be hard to determine in a virtual interview. Therefore you need to develop various methods such as using a skill-based test to help you hack the process. So, here are some insights on how to hold a remote interview to get the right fit.

Use Technology to Carry Out Interviews 

Technology is finally shaping up to favor corporations. Various corporate activities can be carried out virtually, from board meetings to conferences. Therefore, you can use these new technologies to avoid relying on emails and phone calls. Set up a face to face interview through digital video conferencing software. Not only will it allow you to hold in-person interviews, but you will also be cutting down on costs that would have otherwise been used to schedule physical interviews. It is also convenient for job applicants since they will not have to clear the day’s schedule to travel to the interview station.

Come Up With the Right Interview Questions 

It is essential to note that a highly competent worker who may thrive in a physical office setting may lack the motivation to work remotely. Therefore you need to use your interview questions to determine the ideal candidates for the position and the work environment. It is common practice to include behavioral questions to determine whether the candidate has the skills required for the job position. However, it would be best if you went a step further when hiring remote workers. You should always come back to your list of the essential characteristics to develop the critical questions that allow your interview team to evaluate whether the candidate has the traits you are looking for.

Come up with questions that will give insight into their level of organization and self-direction capabilities. Inquire whether they have had experience working under minimal supervision before. Also, do not forget to ask some of their strategies for their time management and completion of assigned projects. Ask how they intend to clock the required work hours and how they are going to manage distractions when working remotely. Some of these questions will shed some light on the type of employee they will be when hired. Here are some behavioral questions you can ask;

  • How would you rate your technology skills?
  • Do you manage to stay focused on your tasks while working from home?
  • How do you plan on communicating with your colleagues and team members?
  • Give an example of a time when you had to be creative with your work; how challenging or exciting was it?
  • Have you ever failed to meet a deadline? What happened when you were unable to meet the deadline? How did you rectify that situation?

Create an Exceptional Experience for CandidatesRemote Hiring

Try to create a comfortable experience during the interview sessions. You do not want candidates developing an attitude even before getting hired. Creating a relaxed atmosphere during virtual interviews will instill a positive attitude on them about the job.  Also, candidates need to be calm to show you their best side. Sometimes when tensed, you may not be able to pick out their talents, and you may only end up with weaknesses, and thus you may end up letting go of an instrumental employee.

Physical interactions also build a good rapport between the employee and the employer. Additionally, you can get creative during the interview by using your camera to give the candidates a virtual office tour that way; it builds trust that they are indeed going to work for an existing company..

Make Use of References 

It is common practice to indicate a few referees on the resume who can give helpful information on the candidate’s type of person. Most times, interviewers tend to ignore these referees. When holding a remote interview, you need to gather every vital information concerning the applicant and what better place to get this information than from referees.

Request the applicant to give at least three to five referees. If the candidate has been in the employment field, ask for references from their previous supervisors. If they have not been employed before, you can ask their teachers or academic advisors for references. Follow up with the referees indicated; it will be worth the effort.

Bottom Line

Planning for a remote interview should not give you sleepless nights. Just get your questions right, choose the appropriate video conferencing application, have some rest, and show up for your interview ready to get the next fit for the job position.