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Top Tips For Learning English At Home

We have got the top tips for learning English at home for you. If you are considering online classes, check out what are the differences between online and in-person classes.

When we want to learn a foreign language, we often think that it is necessary to visit or live in a country in which that language is spoken. But, even though it is useful, it is not necessary.

How to learn English at home

If you want to learn the English language it is not mandatory to live in an English-speaking country. You can learn and improve your skills without moving anywhere, you can stay in your town or city. Here is how.

1. Get yourself a study partner

Everything is easier when done in the company of others. Ideally, you could find someone who is on the same level of knowledge. That way you can motivate one another, do the speaking exercises, vocabulary tests, etc. Or you can simply try to talk in English instead of your mother tongue and try to explain everyday ordinary things in your life. Creating sentences in real-time is a very efficient way of learning a language.

2. Make English-speaking friends

In relation to the previous point, you can also make English-speaking friends. And when you engage in conversation with them, you can improve your language skills significantly. In situations in which you don’t have your own native language as a safety net, you will be able to learn something new every time you speak.

a person writing into notebook next to laptop

3. Do everything in English

Even though it might sound weird, but take all the things you like to do and those you do every day, and turn them all into English. So, for example, if you read the newspaper, check out if the webpage is also written in English, and then read it in English. Listen to the songs in English, change your mobile phone settings to English, write your diary in English, watch shows or movies in English or with English subtitles, etc. Any of these activities can help you raise the level of your knowledge. If you repeat certain words or phrases long enough, you will memorize them easily and enrich your vocabulary.

4. Read texts written for native English speakers

Read the English books, magazines, news, or other websites, but those originally intended for the English-speaking audience. These texts are often more complex. Those that are intended for non-native readers are more simplified since they are not familiar with as many words as native speakers.

5. Use the advantages of the internet

With the internet being so accessible, we have the world in our palms. You can use the online possibilities to learn the English language. And this doesn’t only refer to the online English classes, which are more than useful, of course. But you can practice your English in various ways, join forums, join chats, meet people from all over the world via social media. You can meet new people, gain some friends, and learn the language at the same time. Or you can install various apps for learning English that are both fun and useful.

6. Learn more about the culture of English-speaking countries

As you already know, there is more than one English-speaking country. All of these countries have different cultures, different customs, and overall different ways of living. If you take time to get to know them, you will be able to understand the language better. You will understand what lies behind the most common phrases they use. And that way, you will learn the language while having fun exploring different countries.

7. Engage in the fun activities

Not every learning activity has to be boring. At least you can learn a foreign language by doing various activities. You can be creative and think of different ways to use English. For example, if you like taking the crossword puzzles, why wouldn’t you try to solve one or more in English? If you like making comics, why don’t you try to make one in English? If you like singing, you can try karaoke. You can organize English songs karaoke contest night and invite your friends. That way, all of you can have a lot of fun and learn some new words.

8. Challenge yourself every day

Sometimes you don’t have enough time to dedicate to learning. But you could still try to find a way to learn something new every day, regardless of how small it is. When you learn something by yourself, it is always challenging because you have to motivate yourself every day. So, find pleasure in every step you make, every sentence you get right, every new word you learn, and even in mistakes. Mistakes are an essential part of learning, so make sure you learn something new from them.